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A brief information about ISRO and it's satellites


ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) was established on 15th August 1969. Dr. Vikram A Sarabhai is considered as the founding father of ISRO. Its vision is to harness space technology for national development while pursuing space science research and planetary exploration. Vikram Sarabhai, having identified knowledge in space technology was given the responsibility to give the necessary direction to the research organization. It made easy for a common man with the knowledge of space and activities of space available for anyone anywhere. Its headquarters are in Bangalore.

ISRO Achievements:

ISRO maintains one of the largest fleet of communication satellites (INSAT) and Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites which provide fast and reliable information. Many achievements are there which stands out for ISRO such as:
  • ISRO built India’s first satellite ARYABHATA which was launched by the Soviet Union on 19 April 1975.
  • Rohini Became the first satellite to be placed in the orbit by an Indian-made launch vehicle.
  • They sent one Lunar Orbiter CHANDRAYAN-1 (22nd October 2008) and Mars Orbiter which successfully entered Mars on 24th September 2014 making India first nation to succeed in the very first attempt and much more.

ISRO is the fourth space agency in the world and first in Asia to successfully reach Mars orbit. However, the path to success for ISRO was not easy. They had to give out everything to give common man information about space and technology. It’s managed by the Department of Space (Dos) of the Government of India. LPSC (Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre) handles design, development, testing, and implementation of liquid engines for liquid control in launching satellites which are in Bangalore. Semi-conductor laboratory is for research and development which is in Chandigarh.

Laboratories used for giving information:

NARC (National Atmospheric Research Laboratory) in Tirupati carries out fundamental and applied research in Atmospheric and Space Sciences. Many centers are there for maintaining each part of space, to enhance accurate information. ISRO satellite center established in Bangalore had eight successful spacecraft projects. These satellites are Aryabhata, Bhaskara, APPLE, IRS-1A. Unit of ISRO is responsible for the development of altitude sensors for all satellites. Rockets are made at Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram.
Apart from technology, ISRO helped in getting science, space information and education for the country. Dedicated remote sensors, institutes are there to give valuable data to the Government of India using satellites, remote sensing and many things. These days ISRO is moving forward with the development of heavy lift launchers, launch vehicle etc. IRS satellites observe Earth from space and provide us accurate information to land, ocean, and environment. Information is key ingredient in Government programmes. It helps inaccurate weather predictions, sustaining our environment and eco-system, ensuring government with food and water security and scarcity, monitoring and management of natural resources. Crop Production forecast, forest cover and many things can be controlled and provided by Space organizations to help the country grow in a better and faster way.


Recently ISRO launched GSAT-17 communication satellite on board the Ariane-5 launch vehicle from the Guiana Space Center on June 29, 2017. It is third satellite which is launched within a span of three months. ISRO also created WORLD RECORD of launching 104 satellites in a single mission in 2017. The launch took place in Andhra Pradesh. 101 were foreign satellites out of 104. Like these many other satellites are there which made India Proud among powerful countries such as the USA.
This recent satellite will provide communication, continuity of services. Services will be provided by the satellite which will increase information accuracy and sustainability. Orbit type is Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO). It's designed mission life is 15 years.
These and many more satellites are launched by the space organization for the increment of education, research, accurate observation in space of other planets and providing information to secure nature and environment beforehand. It’s one of the most successful and trusted organizations of India which made India Proud amongst all countries across the Globe.


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