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Showing posts from July, 2017

Journey of Life

Life is a beautiful journey between birth and death . In this journey, we can experience every moment of life like enjoying delicious food, shelter, clothing etc. Instead of these, there are many God gifted emotions, we share with each other like love, peace, happiness, power, knowledge and satisfaction . Everybody wants to become a good human being along with high profile profession but some of them are able to achieve this and rest of them stay as it is. The reason is that they have a lack of confidence. In our life, there is an opportunity to choose. We cannot choose our mother, father, brother and sister, however, we can choose our friends, relatives and people all around us. To get success in our life we have Four powers within us:- Thinking, Feeling, Speaking, and Action The first two are inner powers and last two are outer powers , it is very necessary for each individual to have a clean wish in his/her life. If it is not clean then we fall into trouble th

Prime Minister of India- Narendra Modi (The rising star)

“Narendra Modi is known for rising from humble beginnings and becoming the Prime Minister of India”. Background Narendra Damodardas Modi was born on 17 th  September 1950 . He was born to a family of grocers in Mehsana, Gujarat. He was third of six children born to Damodardas Mulchand Modi.  He helped his father sell tea at Vadnagar Railway station. He completed his secondary education at Vadnagar in 1967. Modi has an early gift for rhetoric in debates, noted by his teachers and students.  He was preferred playing larger than life characters in theatrical productions, which has influenced his political image. At 8, he discovered  Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS),  began attending his local training sessions. He left home because of family tensions and spent two years in Northern and north-eastern India. In his interviews, he described visiting Swami Vivekananda Ashrams during those times. Also, he rejected a proposal of  Jashodaben , a girl from a family who lived close by h

Virtues of God

House is built by hands but a home is built by heart . Most of the people love their own houses only. In their houses, there are bedrooms, drawing room, dining room, kitchen and so on but It is not necessary that there is God room in it. Whatever we see all around we think only about it. So, it is good to have God room so that we can think about it and sit there to meditate. It leads us to become a Good "HUMAN BEING". Holy places also play an important role in shaping and nurturing our lives. Sometimes people say "GOD IS WITHIN US" so why we go to temples/churches? We generally go there for internal peace and to purify our thoughts. (By Worshipping God, we can't get money, glory, name and fame, power and all. We only get it through "HARD WORK". If hard work is your Weapon, Success will be your Slave). Why we worship God? Worshipping means to clean and clear our mind from dirty thoughts and glorify us from within.  One day a Saint w

Stress Management

What is the most important thing in our life? That is to understand about ourselves. If we love and appreciate ourselves it really takes us to the way of stress-free life. What is Stress? It is the state of mind in which body reaction occurs and response to a situation to fight with/from.Stress generally occurs in these conditions, such as, when: We want to do something but not able to do it. We lose something. Ego hurts. The situation is not in our favour.  There are some different types of level of Stress such as: Fear in the Present state. Worry (Past state). How we observe things? It is very important how we observe things? For instance: A glass of water is half full and half empty. Half full denotes Positive thought. Half empty denotes Negative thought. "AS YOU THINK SO YOU BECOME" Negative thought increases the level of Adrenaline hormone in our body. Also, it reflects on our metabolic rate- due to this blood pressure, the heart rate get

Patience- A key to success

Patience is the key to Succeed in life. It’s a virtue, Good things come to those who have faith in themselves and are willing to wait for the miracle to happen . Everything in life needs focus, hard work, dedication, commitment, smart work and Patience. Patience is the second most important thing after hard work because not everything comes easily or in a shortcut form. For any person, business or thing to succeed one needs to be calm, composed and have patience in life. What is Patience, basically? Patience is when someone is waiting with all difficulties in the roadmap. It only comes when someone makes himself confident on anything he does. It takes place during difficult circumstances with a different mindset. One should wait for the right time at the right place at the right moment. Patience is difficult at times but one has to be self-motivated, confident in the work. Patience is not the thing which can be taught completely however it only can be learnt through exper

Thoughts of Guru and Sat-Guru (True Teacher)

In our life, everyone has his own Teacher (Guru) to motivate and to achieve name and fame in this competitive world. When we go out to listen to the thoughts of our Guru we feel very good and pleasurable then start praising him. Thoughts start touching our heart, mind, and soul that is why we become an admirer of that Guru. He understands us and teaches us things through examples in a simple language at the same time. Sometimes thoughts also reflect on our heart and can transform our lives in the most beautiful one. At, that time GURU becomes SAT-GURU . When one finds true Guru, he can conquer half of the world. That time we become true followers of that Sat-Guru. The difference between Guru (Teacher) and SAT-GURU (True Teacher) is simple: Guru changes people's lifestyle, however, Sat-Guru transforms people's lives. Sat-Guru showers Love, Peace and Happiness on us and help us to go in the right direction. So, Positive and Balanced thoughts are the keyword to live

Be a Friend of Your's

Generally, there are two categories of people such as: literate and illiterate. We all are literate people. Literate people have only word knowledge. We get it firstly from our parents, then teachers at school and then from our society also. It is useful for our daily life. Illiterate people are those who cannot read and write. But do you know one more category is there? That is knowledgeable, the person who knows about themselves. "Knowledgeable person can be literate however it is not necessary that literate person is knowledgeable". They do only what is good for them that's why they are a friend of themselves and not the enemy. For example: Someone wants to drink alcohol but his mind is saying not to do it as it's harmful to their health. A knowledgeable person is who can control his senses and become his friend at this time. In day to day era, everyone knows that drinking alcohol, smoking and taking drugs are injurious to our health. Even then they


Sleep involves rest of two things. Body (10%) and Brain (90%). The body is least involved in rest. The quality of sleep is very important than Quantity of sleep. (5 hrs is essential). We sleep in four cycles. Per cycle 100 minutes. Beta frequency is the first one which is also known as the Awakening cycle which is from 13 to 30 Hz. Then comes Alpha frequency which is 8-12 Hz which is also known as the REM (Random Eye Movement). Then comes Theta frequency which is for 5-8 Hz. Lastly Delta frequency for 2-4 Hz. Only delta frequency gives brain full deep rest. Angryness increases the frequency of a person. So, to calm that body takes time that's why we sleep late. So, a person should not fight or be angry before sleeping to get a good quality sleep. ECG ( electrocardiogram) measures heart frequency. EOG (Electrooculogram) measures eye frequency. EMG (Electromyogram) measure muscles frequency. EEG ( electroencephalogram) measures brain frequency.


Day by Day life is going to be problematic in this era but would you think that from where the Problem arises? It arises not from work but from knowledge . That's why knowledge should be pure and correct. Deep knowledge leads to a happy life. Everyone says Simple Living and High Thinking which gives us immense pleasure in our life. To prove this proverb we should pay attention to four things in our daily life: First is to handle the situation lightly and carefully without giving pressure on the mind. If we are stress-free, our decision making power will go in the right direction. Second is Always think positive. Especially at the time of unfavorable conditions. We can save and boost up our energy instead of exhausting it. The third is not reacting on other's views. We simply say do it lovingly instead of blaming, criticizing anybody. The last one is to Believe in God. God is great, powerful, supreme and so on... Who has no name, form, and taste. We all are a chi

A brief information about ISRO and it's satellites

ISRO ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) was established on 15 th August 1969 . Dr. Vikram A Sarabhai is considered as the founding father of ISRO . Its vision is to harness space technology for national development while pursuing space science research and planetary exploration. Vikram Sarabhai, having identified knowledge in space technology was given the responsibility to give the necessary direction to the research organization. It made easy for a common man with the knowledge of space and activities of space available for anyone anywhere. Its headquarters are in Bangalore. ISRO Achievements: ISRO maintains one of the largest fleet of communication satellites (INSAT) and Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites which provide fast and reliable information. Many achievements are there which stands out for ISRO such as: ISRO built India’s first satellite ARYABHATA which was launched by the Soviet Union on 19 April 1975. Rohini Became the first satellite to be placed in the

Enlightenment of Life

There Science ends where the spirituality begins. In a day to day era, most of the people live their lives with tension and fear. I want to tell you that there is no tension and fear in this world. It is only the state of our mind that reflects on our thoughts, words and then action. So, the only way to get rid of it is to become SEER , not to participate in the situation. When there is life problem always be there. You can't go away from the problem but you should know how to deal and handle it. The person is dead when ECG graph is in a straight line so no problem and no life exist. If you want to improve the quality of life, seven qualities should be there: Knowledge Purity Love Peace Happiness Bliss Willpower Your battery is fully charged and life becomes enlightened if these are followed. Lack of any mentioned quality creates frustration in life. An enlightened person can change the situation, attitude of a person and atmosphere of the place easily and calmly.

Digital Marketing and it's importance

Digital marketing these days plays an important role in increasing business. In today’s era, Digital Marketing becomes a more relevant source and economical for everyone across the globe. But what is Digital Marketing? Well, Digital Marketing in simple ways is the advertisement of products, brands and services online. It is extremely important not only because it’s growing rapidly but also because of change in marketing ways. New methods are faster, more practical and authentic than the old ones. There are several ways of Digital Marketing such as Websites, Blogs, PPC (pay-per-click), Online Advertising, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter) etc. These all methods are used daily by companies. Digital Marketing is important because of its usefulness such as the interaction of customers with sellers according to their needs and wants. Also, it is the future of marketing. The fact is Digital Marketing is based on digital methods of Communication and marketing which are faster and more vo

Music is remedy

Music is a beautiful remedy to heal every disease and tension in today's world. Different kinds of Music are there for every occasion, festivals, and situations. It's the only thing which is made for every age either it's for youngsters or elders. Everyone likes to listen to good music. It relates to person's mind and soul which is why it touches everyone's, heart. In this century many bands are there which are there to entertain people with different kinds of instruments and music. These help people to speak directly from the heart as it soothes the mind. With music, scientists also have proven that one could focus better on something which he was not able to previously. Different kinds of music are there to help all kinds of people like mentally retarded, disabled. Everyone feels amazing and because of that, it becomes a passion for many people in this world. It's said that one should learn at least one musical instrument in his/her life as it teaches how to