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Learning- A great key to success

Learning should always be there in whichever field you want to go or whichever career you want to pursue in future. There is no shortcut to learning. Without learning no one can improve knowledge, empower wisdom and without knowledge no one can Conquer Success. Few people only in this world realize the importance of learning in every phase of the life whether in teenager or young or older. That is why those few people became what they actually want to become and not what others want them to become. Because they followed their dream with proper learning in every phase with experienced people, intelligent books, they could achieve what no one has ever dreamt of. That's why only 1% people in this entire world of 1.34 trillion people (approx.) are Billionaires. ONLY REASON IS THEY DIDN'T STOPPED LEARNING AND EVEN NOW THEY ARE LEARNING FROM THEIR MISTAKES AS WELL AS ACHIEVEMENT                                       Learning should start from early stage of life and if someo
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Face your obstacles in order to lead in your life

People on the path of serving the truth must firstly accept the following reality. People with hatred, envy and tolerance, because of their paranoid mood, will declare as enemies other circles of people who do not like them. They will continually attack here and there and reveal their malice in various forms for the sake of protecting their illegitimate gains. However, devoted souls must constantly seek refuge in God. Despite obstacles, they should keep walking on the righteous path with a noble conscience to embrace all of humanity. Facing obstacles means facing reality, running away from obstacles is running away from yourself. Face obstacles now in order to be ahead in life in future. DON'T BE AFRAID OF FACING CHALLENGES AND OBSTACLES, OBSTACLES CHOOSE YOU AND MAKE YOU STRONGER IN ORDER TO FACE THEM, RATHER YOU DON'T CHOOSE OBSTACLES. Be ahead in life while facing challenges now, be inspired by others and inspire others who are not inspired in life. Facing obstacles doe

Make soul your Manager

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Journey of Self-Discovery

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Journey of Life

Life is a beautiful journey between birth and death . In this journey, we can experience every moment of life like enjoying delicious food, shelter, clothing etc. Instead of these, there are many God gifted emotions, we share with each other like love, peace, happiness, power, knowledge and satisfaction . Everybody wants to become a good human being along with high profile profession but some of them are able to achieve this and rest of them stay as it is. The reason is that they have a lack of confidence. In our life, there is an opportunity to choose. We cannot choose our mother, father, brother and sister, however, we can choose our friends, relatives and people all around us. To get success in our life we have Four powers within us:- Thinking, Feeling, Speaking, and Action The first two are inner powers and last two are outer powers , it is very necessary for each individual to have a clean wish in his/her life. If it is not clean then we fall into trouble th

Prime Minister of India- Narendra Modi (The rising star)

“Narendra Modi is known for rising from humble beginnings and becoming the Prime Minister of India”. Background Narendra Damodardas Modi was born on 17 th  September 1950 . He was born to a family of grocers in Mehsana, Gujarat. He was third of six children born to Damodardas Mulchand Modi.  He helped his father sell tea at Vadnagar Railway station. He completed his secondary education at Vadnagar in 1967. Modi has an early gift for rhetoric in debates, noted by his teachers and students.  He was preferred playing larger than life characters in theatrical productions, which has influenced his political image. At 8, he discovered  Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS),  began attending his local training sessions. He left home because of family tensions and spent two years in Northern and north-eastern India. In his interviews, he described visiting Swami Vivekananda Ashrams during those times. Also, he rejected a proposal of  Jashodaben , a girl from a family who lived close by h

Virtues of God

House is built by hands but a home is built by heart . Most of the people love their own houses only. In their houses, there are bedrooms, drawing room, dining room, kitchen and so on but It is not necessary that there is God room in it. Whatever we see all around we think only about it. So, it is good to have God room so that we can think about it and sit there to meditate. It leads us to become a Good "HUMAN BEING". Holy places also play an important role in shaping and nurturing our lives. Sometimes people say "GOD IS WITHIN US" so why we go to temples/churches? We generally go there for internal peace and to purify our thoughts. (By Worshipping God, we can't get money, glory, name and fame, power and all. We only get it through "HARD WORK". If hard work is your Weapon, Success will be your Slave). Why we worship God? Worshipping means to clean and clear our mind from dirty thoughts and glorify us from within.  One day a Saint w