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Showing posts from October, 2017

Learning- A great key to success

Learning should always be there in whichever field you want to go or whichever career you want to pursue in future. There is no shortcut to learning. Without learning no one can improve knowledge, empower wisdom and without knowledge no one can Conquer Success. Few people only in this world realize the importance of learning in every phase of the life whether in teenager or young or older. That is why those few people became what they actually want to become and not what others want them to become. Because they followed their dream with proper learning in every phase with experienced people, intelligent books, they could achieve what no one has ever dreamt of. That's why only 1% people in this entire world of 1.34 trillion people (approx.) are Billionaires. ONLY REASON IS THEY DIDN'T STOPPED LEARNING AND EVEN NOW THEY ARE LEARNING FROM THEIR MISTAKES AS WELL AS ACHIEVEMENT                                       Learning should start from early stage of life and if someo

Face your obstacles in order to lead in your life

People on the path of serving the truth must firstly accept the following reality. People with hatred, envy and tolerance, because of their paranoid mood, will declare as enemies other circles of people who do not like them. They will continually attack here and there and reveal their malice in various forms for the sake of protecting their illegitimate gains. However, devoted souls must constantly seek refuge in God. Despite obstacles, they should keep walking on the righteous path with a noble conscience to embrace all of humanity. Facing obstacles means facing reality, running away from obstacles is running away from yourself. Face obstacles now in order to be ahead in life in future. DON'T BE AFRAID OF FACING CHALLENGES AND OBSTACLES, OBSTACLES CHOOSE YOU AND MAKE YOU STRONGER IN ORDER TO FACE THEM, RATHER YOU DON'T CHOOSE OBSTACLES. Be ahead in life while facing challenges now, be inspired by others and inspire others who are not inspired in life. Facing obstacles doe