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Showing posts from August, 2017

Make soul your Manager

Soul is the most important part of the body which leads to only two directions in life- Positive and Negative. Learn to delegate our mind, body and emotions then you can lead a joyful life. "The body is not you." Tell the body it's job is to be strong, healthy and to protect the soul. Strong body leads to strong emotions, strong emotions lead to strong vibrations and strong vibrations lead to positive and beautiful life.  Body will definitely demand for nourishment, exercise and proper care. If the body is Manager, then we get caught in actions that bring physical happiness but do not give lasting, inner peace. Creative Mind Tell your mind to be positive and creative . The mind will pursue learning. It will make new frontiers. If the mind is Manager, we limit our possibilities and become prey to planning. Planning is alright in public spaces or to maintain discipline. But to live life, our plan should be subordinate to the larger plan of the nature. If we let th

Journey of Self-Discovery

What does it mean to undertake a journey of self-discovery? Should one do it only if there is a benefit and should one do something only for benefit? It is like someone asking, "Why should I be a good person?" The question arises because he feels it is pointless to be a good person as there are no benefits. Life is seen as a series of problems and disasters which occur on daily basis, which has to be resolved. The common perception is that one needs to be street smart, manipulative, competitive and ambitious to be able to overcome challenges. Those who are inclined to reflect might ask, 'Who am I?' We all seem to be at each others throats all the time. Beyond the plastic smile one actually is boiling from inside with jealousy and hatred and trying to figure out way to resolve these conflicts. Also, we have tendency to compare oneself with another. Hence, the need to go on the journey of Self-discovery, is essential only if we peel of several layers of fal